You need to feel confident in your blister card packaging solution.

 Our lineup of unit and multi-dose medication blister card packaging systems offer a safe and efficient method for packaging, verifying, and dispensing medications. With user-friendly design and space-saving features, these innovative systems simplify the medication administration process, ensuring accuracy, convenience, and peace of mind. Explore further to learn more about how our blister card packaging systems can revolutionize medication management for both pharmacy technicians and caregivers alike.

NB 200

Noritsu NB 200 high speed verifier with built in medication checking

Quickly and accurately check and fill single and multi-dose medication cards with the NB200 blister packing machine. Medication cards are filled and checked in one streamlined process, using the same field-proven medication checking technology as our NV series verifiers. Our efficient and reliable solutions ensure that every prescription is packed correctly, while you and your staff time.



Streamline your blister card production with in-line packaging and verification in one powerful solution

High Capacity

Holds up to 200 hot-swappable medication cartridges for access to a virtually unlimited formulary


Built-in manual dispensing allows an operator to quickly and easily insert one-off orders into the workflow


Follow medications and patients throughout the process, including repacking with a full evidence trail


Work with most major card providers and easily offer both unit-dose or multi-dose based on the needs of your facilities.

NB200 Overview

Meet The LittleBots

Noritsu is excited to offer a new, cutting-edge family of compact, efficient, reliable, and affordable compliance packaging solutions. Our LittleBots bring all the advantages of automation to your workflow, without the complexity and costs of full-scale systems.

Consisting of three units, the LittleBot family is tailored for scalability and growth, empowering pharmacies of all sizes to improve their efficiency without extensive software or labor investments.

Meet the Noritsu LittleBots - a family of multi-dose blister card packaging automation solutions
Noritsu LittleBots - Celia compact automated multi-dose blister card solution


Multi-dose Blister Card Packaging

  • Automated blister card production with a compact design, just 4.5 square feet
  • Built with scalability in mind, Celia grows with your business
  • Highly Versatile, with three options for filling providing flexibility in operation, and Celia’s tray loading system in conjunction with Noritsu NexusRx software makes swapping card formats easy
  • Intelligent patient and NDC pre-sorting algorithms ensure accuracy and streamline production


Light-Assisted Blister Card Packaging

  • Compact but powerful, Julia’s small footprint maximizes space efficiency, allowing you to add automation to almost any pharmacy.
  • Add Julia as a standalone unit, or integrate with Celia, providing scalable solutions for growing pharmacies
  • Easily adaptable to different packaging formats to meet your needs
  • An affordable, entry-level option for pharmacies looking to automate their packaging processes and increase labor efficiencies at a lower pricepoint
Noritsu LittleBots - LARS Light Assisted medication Rack System


Scalable Light-Assisted Rack System

  • Streamline your production with space for up to 386 extra canisters or 64 modules
  • Intelligent smart rack technology quickly identifies the appropriate canister from your formulary for easy exchanges
  • Add unlimited canisters, SR Controllers, and Rack Modules for continuous growth and scalability
  • LARS can link across multiple Celia units
    creating a synchronized and highly efficient operation that grows with you

Schedule a call with one of our experts.